Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Good metaphor/bad metaphor

When it comes to that project, we're just whistling past the graveyard.  Keep in mind, like any project, the baby may roll over, but when it does, we should be careful not to let it boil the ocean.
Yes.  I have heard both these metaphors used.  I can't even remember the specifics about what we were discussing when it came to the bad metaphor, it took me so far afield in my head after it was uttered aloud in a meeting.  I knew what was meant, but the image of all those babies rolling into the ocean until it literally seethed with them...horrifying.  I don't want to be on that project, it sounds like a death march.  For babies.

Title: Good metaphor/bad metaphor
Snarky: When it comes to that project, we're just whistling past the graveyard.  Keep in mind, like any project, the baby may roll over, but when it does, we should be careful not to let it boil the ocean.

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