Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No, I'm O(n!)

Think you can write a better algorithm than me? You're O(n).
Big O Notation humor!  How can you not find the funny in:
"In mathematics, big O notation is used to describe the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity, usually in terms of simpler functions. It is a member of a larger family of notations that is called Landau notation, Bachmann–Landau notation (after Edmund Landau and Paul Bachmann), or asymptotic notation. In computer science, big O notation is used to classify algorithms by how they respond (e.g., in their processing time or working space requirements) to changes in input size."

Title: No, I'm O(n!)
Snarky: Think you can write a better algorithm than me? You're O(n).

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