Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Is that why all the testers asked me to friend them?

The business asked for a social amplification feature.  Now every time you successfully use our app it shares it to the screen of someone who recently got an error message.

I considered claiming I did a Snarky yesterday, a whole day early, and just posted an empty panel with an empty title in honor of Labor Day.  Instead, I truly embraced Labor Day, so I'm about 10 hours late given my usual posting schedule.  After someone actually used this phrase in front of me, I knew it had to be a snarky.  I'm considering using it in all the proof of concept UX/UI designs I write, just to be a smart ass.  Except someone would give me an award for a good design, and then I'd be mad.

The following was an alternative title and snark:
Snarky: I added social amplification.  Every time you use our app, your friends get notified.
Title: Does that means I don’t have friends, or I don’t have friends that use our app?
"Amplification is the concept of taking a positive action – a purchase, a light-touch interaction or full-on review – saving it and then sharing it far and wide. After all, 90% of us trust recommendations from friends – so surely it makes sense to push the genuine endorsements we do receive to their absolute limit?" - http://oursocialtimes.com/4-examples-of-social-media-amplification-in-action/
Snrky: The business asked for a social amplification feature.  Now every time you successfully use our app it shares it to the screen of someone who recently got an error message.
Title: Is that why all the testers asked me to friend them?

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