Friday, August 17, 2012

∞ x 0 = 0

What did he mean when he said you were intended to be my force multiplier?
They do love them some military terminology in the workplace.  "A force multiplier refers to a factor that dramatically increases (hence "multiplies") the effectiveness of an item or group."  I like it that "fearsome reputation" is on the Wikipedia list of common force multipliers.  So the metaphor doesn't precisely hold up.  While that might work on the battlefield, in the workplace it just means everyone is going to avoid you.  Just like the formula below, although the implication for the developer in the comic is slightly different, you might be infinitely fearsome, but if 0 people come near you, your effectiveness is completely negated.

Title: ∞ x 0 = 0
Snarky: What did he mean when he said you were intended to be my force multiplier?

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