Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can we have microchips instead?

In my first 30 days as your manager, it's my intention to put my personal brand on the group.
I read a Harvard Business Review article not so long ago that said new managers leading an unfamiliar team should focus on their dictatorial personality rather than their consensus-building personality, in order to build trust in their skillset. I like both options better than the new manager with a micro-manager personality.  In all the years I've worked at a big company, managers have definitely left their brand on their teams.  Fun managers generally have fun teams, unless the whole business is headed south and everyone is scared to have fun.  Dictatorial managers, if they know their domain and team and skills, have well-oiled machines that get done what they're asked to get done and even operate without dictates if the bounds of what's going to be dictated are well known.  Micromanagers, they have microteams to manage after everyone jumps ship.

Title: Can we have microchips instead?
Snarky: In my first 30 days as your manager, it's my intention to put my personal brand on the group.

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