Thursday, June 28, 2012

Perception is social reality

Snarky: Rather than just doing the work, I decided my time is better spent just telling people about it.
As noted here (from here, and here

In 1933, W. Mahler found that if a person announced the solution to a problem, and was acknowledged by others, it was now in the brain as a "social reality", even if the solution hadn't actually been achieved. 

For some reason after reading this, the term 'social reality' stuck with me.  Possibly because it was a new term to me, or maybe, after some contemplation on the topic, the stunning array of circumstances we humans experience that are influenced by the 'social reality' is too much not to think about. We are 'social creatures' after all. 

Ultimately, however, I think it can be attributed to the fact that I haven't figured out the answer to this question: 

What is the difference between 'reality' and 'social reality'?

Title: Perception is social reality
Snarky: Rather than doing the work, I decided my time is better spent just telling people about it.

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