Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Idiot. In that context jam means to fit as much as possible into the project.

They said to start a story jam.  I stomped on the grapes, but all I got was story wine.

Excellent.  I get to link to Hussman. He might be the source of that jargon in the parts I frequent.  So while I'm fond of his methods, I'm not fond of that particular bit of jargon.  It implies we're not actively creating stories all the time.  That there's a special time for it story creation.  And while I understand the benefits to isolating yourself in a space and really getting down to brace tacks, I think there's even more benefit when people learn to think agilely no matter where they are and no matter what the interruption might be.  If you can flush out a story on the spot.  If you're thinking in terms of stories and how your work is a story all the time.  Then you're going to save yourself a lot of tear up, tear down, and repeat situations in various meetings.
Hold “story jams” to create the stories (think like music jams – let the creativity flow). Use a long table and invite lots of people. Create personas, and walk through a day in their lives. The list of stories doesn’t need to be complete after the story jam.

Snrky: They said to start a story jam.  I stomped on the grapes, but all I got was story wine.
Title: Idiot.  In that context jam means to fit as much as possible into the project.

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