Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I think you should ask HR.

I heard women use 13,000 more words per day.  Do we use (m + 2.8w(m + 2.8w - 1))/2 instead of n(n − 1) / 2 now or is there an easier formula?

I'm certain this is a sexist Snarky.  The issue with the Mythical Man Month (which is why I feel ok making fun of it, because it's got a bad title) isn't around the number of words spoken, but around the number of people involved, the communication channels, and, if you wanted to add any new vector, the number of projects/context switching opportunities, although that number directly influences the number of individuals in most cases, with some overlap.

Women are not 2.8x larger an issue than men on software products.  I'd go so far as to say that if your mythical man month is comprised of all men, adding a woman to the project probably decreases her weighted value due to generally better communication and variance in perspective.

So where did this come from?  I was reading this Mental Floss article this week about "Why do Women Tend to Talk More Than Men?"
"Studies have long suggested that the average woman speaks about 20,000 words a day. The average man, on the other hand, hovers closer to 7000. That means in one year, a Chatty Cathy could wind up speaking 4.7 million more words than a member of the quieter sex, or the rough equivalent of narrating War and Peace in its entirety ... eight times."
Fascinating that proteins can have such concrete impacts on our lives.  After a lot of consideration, I've decided it has very little to do with software development (unless it's beneficial) and more to do with marriage.

Snarky: I heard women use 13,000 more words per day.  Do we use (m + 2.8w(m + 2.8w - 1))/2 instead of n(n − 1) / 2 now or is there an easier formula?
Title: I think you should ask HR.

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