Friday, August 31, 2012

I hope that doesn't mean we're the beta release.

I hope that doesn't mean we're the beta release. Snarky: Our PM created a termination checklist.  With our project three weeks overdue, it looks like she'll be the POC.

I was thinking about how different the first official, or "customer facing", release of a product is from when I started writing code years ago. With the rise of Agile, Lean and similar methodologies (and, hence, away from Waterfall) we've seen a shift from design everything, build everything, release everything as "Version 1.0" to "release early release often" leading to products that sometimes live in "perpetual beta".

But I guess if you're working at a company that tends to conflate one kind of termination with another, that's probably a good thing.

Title: I hope that doesn't mean we're the beta release.
Snarky: Our PM created a termination checklist. With our project three weeks overdue, it looks like she'll be the POC.

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